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Henk Vos beelden
Henk Vos beelden
'Flying Man', bronze, 55x55cm 2004 sold
'Fat Lady' bronze, 25 cm, 2004 sold
'Man with wings', model for bronze, 3 mtr, 2007 for sale
‘Man met vleugels’ brons, 30 cm, 2007 nfs
'Little sister', bronze, 20 cm, 2004 sold
'Geert and Marianne' bronze, 25 cm, 2002, sold
'The three wise men', bronze,17 cm, 2006 sold
'Woman on branches' bronze, 30 cm 2007 sold
'St George+the dragon' bronze, 37 cm 2005 sold
'Treeman', bronze, 35 cm, 2007 sold
‘Twins’, brons, 20 cm,2003 verkocht
'Laying man', bronze, 40x28 cm, 2009 sold
'Little man' bronze, 24 cm 2009 sold
'On the razor’s edge' bronze, 50 cm, 2013, for sale
Woman on Branches' bronze, 320 cm 2007 sold
'Path of live' bronze, 78x139 cm, 2009 sold
'The leap', bronze, 30 cm 2006 sold
'Love is back', bronze, 125x55x50 cm, 2011 for sale
'Dancing man' bronze, 41 cm 2009 sold
'Man with shadow' bronze, 20 cm 2012, for sale
'Running man' bronze, 22 cm 2009 for sale
'A firm counterwind' bronze, 50 cm 2010 for sale
'Balance' bronze, 70 cm socle incl 2009 sold
'The bridge', bronze-granite, 83x58 cm, 2009 sold
'The Jester' bronze, 27 cm, 2014, for sale
'Climbing man' bronze, 90cm, 2011 sold
'Man on a ladder' bronze, 100 cm, 2012, sold
'You are a rock' bronze-granite, 35 cm, 2011 for sale
'Pregnant', bronze,23 cm 2004 sold
‘Levenswiel’brons, 19 cm hoog2012 te koop
'LittleBranchMan' bronze, 185 cm, 2011 sold
'The family' bronze, 53 cm, 2012 for sale
'Little Branch Man' bronze, 45 cm, 2011, nfs
Man on a ladder' bronze, 58 cm, 2009 sold
'Bell ringer', bronze, 60 cm 2007 for sale
'Man jumping over an abyss', 50 cm (socle incl), 2011 sold
'Thumb up' bronze, 25 cm 2013 for sale
'Cycling man' bronze, 27 cm 2013, for sale
'Pole-vaulter' bronze, 45 cm 2013, for sale
'Horn of plenty' bronze, 33 cm 2014, for sale
'Globe' bronze, 50 cm 2015, for sale
'The Sunwheel' bronze, 32 cm. 2014, for sale
'Reaching man' bronze, 40 cm 2007 sold
'Man struck by Lightning' bronze, 37 cm 2015, for sale
'Present-Past-Future', div. materials 100x150cm 2009 nfs
'Man with Rainbow' bronze/glass, 40 cm 2017, for sale
'The last great Journey' URN bronze, 57 cm, 2014, for sale
'Drummer' bronze, 25 cm, 2019, for sale
'Scared Man' bronze, 19 cm 2019, for sale
'Old Couple' bronze, 23 cm, 2019, for sale
'The branch man', bronze, 4,5 mtr 2011 for sale
Upstairs-downstairs', wood, 70 cm, 2001 sold
'Y+Y', wood, 55 cm, 2004 nfs
'Courtship', wood, 50 cm, 2002 sold
'Slowly', wood, total 170 x 50 cm, 2000 nfs
'Thus', wood, 150 cm, 2004 sold
'Fish', wood, 100 cm, 2002 sold
'Covenant', wood, 150 cm, 2004 sold
'0-1', wood, 150 cm, 1990 sold
Without title, wood, 150 cm, 1990 sold
'Couple', wood, 60 cm, 1991 for sale
'Pole', wood, 120 cm, 1991 nfs
'Upwards', wood, 50 x 100cm, 2004 sold
'Double happiness', wood, 150 cm, 2005 for sale
'Snake', wood, 100 cm 2001 nfs
'Tango', wood, 150 cm, 2001 nfs
'Like two spoons', wood, 150 cm, 1998 sold
'Wing', wood, 250 cm, 2003 sold
diverse materialen
'Understanding', zinc-stainl. steel,150 cm, 1989 nfs
‘Steunpilaar’, bladveer-schroot, 250 cm,1989 ntk
'Archetype', zinc-mussel-shells,100 cm, 1989 not for sale
'Anger', zinc-branches, 150 cm, 989 nfs
'The Force of Growth', stainless steel,40 cm, 1988 nfs
'Boeddha', marble, 60 cm, 2003 sold
'Portrait', marble, 50 cm, 2003 sold
'A Grazing Soul', sprig-textile-gravel, 20 cm, 1990 nfs
'In the Gutter', sprigs-metal-leaf, 20 cm, 1991 nfs
‘Voelhoorn’,tempex-gips, 40 cm,1992 ntk
'Portrait' marble, 50 cm 2010 nfs
The Highest Point', aluminium, 50 cm, 1991 nfs
'Nose in the Air', stainl.steel-spinnakercloth,50 cm, 1992 nfs
Japanese watchmen' bronze, 70 cm 2005 for sale
‘Spiraal van de tijd’ brons, 100cm, 2005 te koop
'Embrace' bronze, 40 cm 2004 nfs
'Madonna' bronze,70 cm 2005 sold
'Wings' bronze, span 70 cm 2005 sold
‘Bovenenbeneden’, twijg-touw-steen,40 cm, 1988 ntk
'Small Church' bronze, 16 cm, 2020, nfs